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The Beginning

Discipulus was co-founded by Phil and Tom. Phil came up with the initial idea and approached Tom in 2021 to get the app off the ground. Having been involved in many different ministries (youth, young adult, RCIA, street evangelism, Knights of Columbus, etc.), we kept running into the same problems over and over. Discipulus was born out the frustrations of not having the tools available to help the:


Phil – CEO

Story coming soon!

Tom – CTO & Senior Developer

I've been a Catholic all my life and discerned the priesthood growing up going to a minor seminary for high school. I've always been active in my local parish, from altar serving, singing in the choir, being a member of the Finance Council and Pastoral Council, to being an active member in my local Knights of Columbus council. I've also been a volunteer at my local Catholic radio station as their IT Administrator.

As a Catholic with a love for a good technical challenge and a background in software development and business systems, it seems like fate that Phil and I were brought together to be co-founders of Discipulus. Being involved and seeing firsthand the many struggles and pain points different ministries dealt with, I always wanted to help in some way on the technology front.

Over the years, I tinkered and threw around several different ideas with friends. Then Phil approached me with the idea of Discipulus. It took some convincing on Phil's part as I didn't give a "yes" right away. I had some other projects going on and wasn't sure I could make the time commitment. But, after a couple months of thought, prayer, and projects wrapping up, I determined Discipulus was what I was supposed to do and I went all in.